Creativity Crusader Spotlight | Meet Daniela Zographos | Yumsies Cookies and Confections

Hi friends!

I believe in the idea that we should lift each other up, celebrate the talents and capabilities of others, and share joy whenever possible. We, and by “we” I mean human beings in general, spend an awful lot of time – way, WAY, too much really – talking about people in a negative light… gossip magazines, news stories, petty girlfriend talk…


There are so many truly incredible people who are doing phenomenal things and bringing smiles to other people’s faces. One of the goals here on the blog is to celebrate creativity and that includes, innovative, unique, amazing people, who I endearingly like to refer to as “creativity crusaders”.

Since this is the first spotlight (and y’all, we have some FANTABULOUSO people lined up for this year), let me give you a little info. This will be a monthly feature. Crusaders can be any age and in any profession. So what exactly is a creativity crusader?

  • Creativity crusaders are passionate about what they do for a living or as one or more hobbies

  • Creativity crusaders infuse creativity into daily life

  • Creativity crusaders champion the cause for creativity in some corner of the world

  • Creativity crusaders inspires others to be creative, think creatively and live a creative life.

That said, let me introduce you to our first creativity crusader. Meet Daniela Zographos of Yumsies Cookies & Confections.


Daniela and I met at Taste of Anderson in a brief interaction where she was a vendor, and I noticed her branding in addition to her baking expertise. Branding, though essential to any business, is also in some ways a stellar example of going the extra mile. To me it says, “I care immensely about the presentation of my ____ (company, event, small business, etc.)” to the public. It’s a first impression, an investment, a process, and a practice…but I’m getting way off topic here…


{The Yumsies table at Taste of Anderson 2015}

I met Daniela again when we were neighbors at a small vendor fair at Prodigy Hair Loft last fall. We had an opportunity to chat between meeting shoppers and instantly got along, bounced ideas off each other, and each came away from the event with several new ideas, projects, and even some collaboration. When I had the idea to start this spotlight, she was one of a handful that were immediately added to my list.

{ Insta-stalk her HERE @yumsiescookies }


I only ask age because I want the overall range, over multiple creativity crusader interviews, to show that creativity crusaders can be any age…

How old are you (if you are ok with sharing…totally optional)? 27

In what city & state do you live? Anderson, SC


Do you consider yourself to be creative? Absolutely!

BRAVO for owning it! Makes my heart happy!

What toys or activities were you drawn to as a child? 

Easy Bake Oven, Nite Brite, Scented Markers & Stickers (I used to have quite a collection of stickers in my sticker album.. I don’t think sticker albums still exist!)


{How fun are these ABC cookies??}

What inspires you? 

My family inspires me to keep going forward with what I do, but I find inspiration in everything! If it has color, texture or scent… It’s inspiring me!

What do you do for a living?  

Homebaker, get it? I am a Homemaker and I also Bake from home! 🙂


Are you formally educated or self-taught? 

A bit of both! During high school I taught myself how to bake through books. I later decided I wanted to further my education and learn how to cook properly, so I enrolled in Culinary School. After graduating 4  years later,  I realized I should have enrolled in Baking and Pastry School instead, since that was my true passion, but never had a chance. So 2 baking classes is the proper education I received.. everything else is from books, YouTube videos and good old fashioned trial and error.

Can I get an “Amen” for some YouTube videos, DIYers?


How do you get un-stuck if you’re in a creative rut? 

There are 3 fool proof ways: 1. I step away from my project for a while, take a breather find inspiration outside my home, and come back once it’s done. 

2. I ask someone else’s opinion and input on what I should add or remove. and 

3. there is nothing like procrastinating and knowing my cake is due in a few hours to inspire me and get my tail moving.


{ These…I just can’t get over these! Gorgeous Cinderalla Cupcakes}

How do you feel about your organization and time management skills? 

I can be AMAZING at organization and time management, but lets face it, if you are a creative person, you are more than likely going to have a cluttered desk, space, or whatever it is you work on. The only time my baker room is completely organized is when I am not baking. That is just how my cluttered , I mean, CREATIVE mind works 🙂


Do you have a routine? 

For the most part, yes. It’s what keeps me on track with time management. On Mondays, I look over this week’s orders, go to the grocery store and buy all my materials and make a schedule . On Tuesdays I try to get all cakes and cookies in the oven. On Wednesdays I prep cakes  and cake pops. All cakes get filled and all cake pops get roll and decorated. On Thursdays, all cakes get covered whether it’s buttercream or fondant, and all cookies get iced. On Fridays, all cakes get finished and all cookies get packaged . Saturdays are delivery days and on Sundays the bake room gets cleaned up and prepped for the next week.


{Gold and White 30th Birthday Cake}

How do you deal with stress? 

The only way I can deal with stress is to finish my project. Project delivered means the stress goes away! I also tend to listen to music while I work, it helps my mind wander a little.

If you have more to do than can fit in a typical day, do you get up earlier or stay up later?

 I stay up later. I find that the later I stay up, the more the creative juices get flowing. 

Yep, me too girl, me too.


{Mermaid Cookies, Cake, Mini Cupcakes, and Cake Pops…SWOON}

How do you spend your time when you’re not working? 

Kicking my feet off the ground and enjoying my family!! I love what I do, but there is nothing like downtime with my husband and son.

What’s one piece of advice you would tell your younger self? 

Don’t be so hard on yourself, good things come to those who STICK WITH IT! and Believe in yourself!! we are our worst critic… it took me years to finally realize that and finally see that my work is truly worth it. 


{Daniela and her cake pops at a vendor fair in December}

And just for fun…

Favorite color? PINK!

Describe yourself in one word. 

BLESSED! I cannot believe how far I’ve come, and it’s only possible with the love and support of my family.


{Seriously, the talent is limitless, y’all}

The last thing you ate was… 

A piece of toast with Nutella

A favorite quote you want to share? 

“ I want a life that sizzles and pops and makes me laugh out loud. And I don’t want to get to the end, or tomorrow, even, and realize that my life is a collection of meetings and pop cans and errands and receipts and dirty dishes. I want to eat cold tangerines and sing out loud in the car with the windows open and wear pink shoes and stay up all night laughing and paint my walls the exact color of the sky right now. I want to sleep hard on clean white sheets and show parties and eat ripe tomatoes and read books so good they make me jump up and down, and I want my everyday to make God belly laugh, glad that he gave life to someone who loves the gift.”

– Shauna Niequist; Cold Tangerines.   

 If you haven’t read Cold Tangerines, run and get it. I guarantee it will be the best book you have ever read. Your soul needs it, believe me!

I love her devotional, Savor, and will definitely be adding this to my reading list!!

Do you have any party tricks? Pro champagne popper. 

So perfect to kick off the spotlight series and be our January girl! And I can totally see that.


Daniela lives in Anderson, SC with her family and is the owner of Yumsies Cookies and Confections. She is already booked through January of 2017, so if you want to order from her, book early! You can see more on her website, or follow her on Instagram and Facebook.



{ Tags designed by The Olive Shoe for Daniela’s “Paint-Your-Own Cookies” }

“Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play.” – Henri Matisse

If you know a creativity crusader you’d like to see featured, I’d love to meet them and chat for a few minutes! Please email me at


The Olive Shoe | Paperie & Design | Celebrating Creativity and Creatively Celebrating is designed and run by Laure {LAC} James © 2016 LAC James All Rights Reserved.

Lauren {LAC} James is a Sr. Designer of Product Graphics for an international manufacturing company by day and a creativity crusader, designer, planner extraordinaire, artist and blogger in her “free” time. Follow her and The Olive Shoe on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram! Please subscribe to receive emails, and of course, come back and visit again soon!

Please visit the online art gallery {Art by LAC} and Etsy Shop too!

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